Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Wed Wednesday - Vintage is forever

Vintage reflects quality and prestige and this is what many - usually close weddings -  wants to showcase on their wedding day. The best of a kind ! 

Vintage is usually being used to define wine quality and what a better scenery for a wedding than a vineyard. The best definition described is vintage is "too old to be considered modern , but not old enough to be considered antique " :)

The combinations of colours - in my opinion - used mostly in vintage weddings are pastels colours that gives a retro look in your wedding and makes it more youthful. A splash of pale colours that will keep a memorable atmosphere.

Another must in a theme wed like  this is an antique car like my old time favourite Nissan Figaro <3 Just look at it ! Its the perfect touch and you can use it during cold and warm seasons with the roof down.

Elements like plates and candlesticks - gold and silver has always been consider a great trend in weddings to show prestige and glamour, in this case you take something old but showcase it in modern way by the use of colour candles -  as well as different shapes of glass.

If you can pick some antiques pieces to put in your wedding such as tea pots or victorian chairs can lift the atmosphere way higher and produce a scenery that will stake in the memory of your quest and provide also a great pictures :)

In addition a new trend that I have seen in different weddings especially vintage and retro are the use of signs. Either for photos, sticky notes in different elements of the wedding or as thank you notes. 

Beneath you will find an inspiration board with all the clues discussed.



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